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Free College and Career Information Night Hosted by Dr. Tom Brunner: How to find Work that feels like Play!

After over 15 years of Mentoring students and professionals, Dr. Brunner will discuss a process he has scientifically developed to help people find educational & career paths synchronized to who they REALLY are.  As a published behavioral science expert and doctoral level practitioner, he will discuss how the most advanced Behavioral Science can be used to ensure people find Work that feels like Play!

Movie overview of his Personalized College and Personalized Career Matching (PCM) processes:https://vimeo.com/157654447

Dr. Brunner’s college and career guidance portfolio available here, and his full work portfolio as a practitioner, consultant, and expert available here

Areas he will cover will include the following:

-How to find a career deeply synchronized to who you REALLY are.

-How to know if an adolescent is prepared to succeed at college

-How you can find the best VALUE college

-what kind of vocational assessment should you undergo before you decide on a educational or career pathways so you avoid traumatizing emotional and financial consequences of life planning mis-steps

-How to find a college that is uniquely tailored to a student’s personality and learning tendencies

Event Details:

Date:     April 14, 2016

Time:    6:00 p.m.

Place:  Aloft Tucson University Hotel

1900 E. Speedway Blvd

Tucson, AZ  85719


Contact: Denice Salazar

Phone: 520.314.4772

Email: solutions@doctorbrunner.com

Skype: reach.drbrunner


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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.