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Gifted & Athletes

This area of our services addresses the full range of issues regarding whether or not a child is gifted. Services in this area answer these questions:

  • “Is my child gifted?”
  • “How can I have my child assessed for giftedness?, and
  • “How can I help my “brainy” child improve their emotional intelligence (EQ)?”  

We also serve talented children (e.g., elite athletes) and adults (leaders, visionaries, entrepreneurs) by providing performance-enhancing assessment and coaching.  In this area, we do not limit ourselves to a narrow medical diagnostic model, because what improves performance is not a generic diagnosis, but rather a thorough assessment of how one’s personality functions

Techniques we use in order to provide the very best evaluations include interviewing teachers, coaches, friends or coworkers in order to help you learn about aspects of yourself, which you may be totally unaware, of that are affecting your success.

See my full list of clinical, career guidance and forensic evaluation and treatment services 

Menu of Gifted and Athlete Services

“Not sure what to do” Evaluation Consultation

Factors assessed: Obtain a visual analysis of how the critical “moving parts” of the puzzling situation interact (E.g,, Advanced IQ, social struggles, boredom at school, poor athletic performance, performance anxiety) to gain a clear view of your pathway forward.

PurposesIdentify next best steps and learn what interventions or professionals to use. Great option for those who are confused or overwhelmed.

Gifted or Talented Evaluation

Factors assessed: Advanced intellectual, cognitive, and/or emotional skills evaluated.  

Purposes: Identify towering strengths and learn how to accelerate their development.  See what skills lag far behind the towering talents to prevent performance-limiting imbalances. Often needed for entry to gifted educational programs or High IQ societies (e.g., Mensa)

Performance Enhancement or Sports Psychology Evaluation

Factors assessed: The motivational, emotional, behavioral, social and environmental pieces of the puzzle are identified and the dynamics among these variables are nailed down.     

Purposes: Identify towering strengths and learn how to accelerate skill and talent development. See what skills lag far behind the towering talents so prevent performance-limiting imbalances. Create a roadmap to reach your full potential.

Performance Coaching

Factors assessed: Advanced intellectual, cognitive and/or emotional skills (EQ) evaluated, as well as “dark side” limiters such as toxic qualities or annoying personality tendencies you are unaware of.

Purposes: Identify towering strengths and learn how to accelerate their development. See what skills lag far behind the towering talents to prevent performance-limiting imbalances that drag you down, or drain your energy.

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