What I learned from being mentored by a true leader: The legacy of Robert Fick for next generation leaders and youth

In a time when global confidence in leadership across organizations is at an all time low, we all ask: “where are the true leaders?” Parents increasingly ask, “where are the people I can point to as a moral leader for my son or daughter to feel inspired by?” Similarly, business people increasingly wonder, “who can provide trustworthy leadership…leadership worth following?”.

As a therapist and counselor who often operates as a coach to even higher functioning professionals, I have become convinced what we need to do is merge our clinical understanding of what helps people heal with our understanding of what helps people lead effectively. In other words, the clinical and business worlds have much to teach each other – though they rarely talk with one another. The clinical world forgets that we should not just be healing a wound, but returning someone to society as an even stronger, more effective leader. In short, we should be helping people find their potential. The business world forgets that business is increasingly not about who has the best technology, but who has the best people. And the best people, as we behavioral scientists know, are highly discernible because they exhibit certain exemplary and even noble preferences/traits/habits.

In my quest to help parents learn how to cultivate the very best character in their children, I have studied models of what an effective leader does in the real world. In so doing, I came upon a seasoned business executive and leader with a big heart: Robert Fick. Bob retired May 14th, 2012, from the Arizona Small Business Center. He was widely recognized as a true community builder. Bob taught me many things, but one of the most important golden nuggets he shared was his perspective on leadership after his 25+ years in business. Bob spent over twenty-five years as a chief financial officer and chief operating officer of fast growing private and public companies, primarily in the computer, software and telecommunications industries. He also established and then sold a successful software firm. He is a true Renaissance man who “speaks many tongues”.

Bob crafted his own model of leadership scientifically by coming up with a list of traits, and then titrating them down to a final list only after years of reflection, feedback, and mentoring business people here in Tucson. Bob conceptualized leadership as involving 9 core skill sets:

-Exhibiting a clear, realistic vision for the future
—Can generate a compelling vision that inspires others

-Persistent, resilient and positive attitude
—The question is not “can we?”, but “how do we do this?”

-Facilitator of team cohesion who encourages passionate input from managers
—Does not play favorites and incites even heated debates to give birth to the best idea
—Listens deeply to others

-Someone who thoughtfully stewards his people, rather than trying to over control them
—Willing to trust risks others figure are worth it
—Not easily threatened by others skills/competency

-One who welcomes truly frank, open communication
—Is not afraid of criticism

-Effective and frequent communicator of Mission who makes all people feel appreciated
—Knows how to keep business culture focused on the Mission
—Knows importance of consistent messages

-Identifier of real growth opportunities
—Innovative, creative, yet careful
—Can discern true opportunity from red herrings and rabbit holes

-Insists on constant improvement
—Must be conscientiously always asking how do we do this better
—Patiently detail oriented

-Builds a culture of appreciated employees
—Willing to give others credit
—Humble enough to care more about the product than the trophy

We cannot oversimplify leadership by coming up with checklists of qualities, say you. People are too complex, and social interaction is too dynamic, you argue. You are wrong. Behavioral science is increasingly a science that can appreciate human complexity, and we as a human race are beginning to identify those core attributes that most and/or all great leaders have. Research of great leaders is actually telling us that the very best leaders do share a group of qualities.

The toughest job is not identifying a list of qualities, but determining how we cultivate these qualities in people who do not already have the complete set. Parents have a head start, but still they must learn more advanced techniques than a Sunday sermon or a fireside chat. To help a person grow into this set of traits takes modeling that occurs over many years.

Psychologists with advanced training in personality science and developmental psychology will lead the way toward helping parents and society cultivate a future of next generation leaders who will secure our race’s future. For now, whether you are a parent and/or professional, you can paste this list of nine qualities on your refrigerator and everyday pick one you will work will focus on. Keep your eyes out for more blogs regarding the science of leadership.

Thank you Bob for your mentorship. You have made a real difference.

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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.