Why most young adults are floundering on their parents’ couch even though higher education and technical training options have exploded

It is tragically ironic that while online educational options have become voluminously  diversified, people in their 20’s are still struggling to find economically stable, meaningful careers. In fact, every day news headlines reveal there is an epidemic of unfulfilled young adults.

What the heck is going on?  As a seasoned Career Guidance expert, I have been assessing the situation for over a decade.  I suggest you take a few minutes to read the rest of this blog which ends with you having in your hands the most reliable, long-term, cost-effective Solution. 

The key reason for why this young adult generation wandering around in a fog is only getting worse is not that the youngest generation is lazy or stupid. 

Rather, the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM IS as follows: students and parents are still under the illusion that students can find a meaningful career simply through a trial and error process.  LOL.  That process rarely works out!  What the trial and error process does result in is horrifying statistics including the following:

— the average college student will change majors six times
— more than four out of five college students graduate without a job
— 70% of workers admitted to sometimes regretting their career decisions
— 40% of college graduates move back after college
— at least 20% of college students enter college as “undecided”

See more statistics about unfulfilled professionals

Even more depressing, according to US government Labor Department data, the price index for college tuition grew by nearly 80% between August 2012 and August 2013!!!!

The Perfect Storm of increasing tuition, ballooning student debt, adjoined by increasing diversification in education is leading to even more young adults who are dizzyingly overwhelmed by the complexity of the landscape they need to navigate in order to find a lifelong career. 

I know, I know. You may be thinking that in these days and times you will have to change careers because of the nature of the new job market, where loyalty and long-term employment with one company has been thrown out the window in favor of a more cutthroat culture. 

While golden parachutes are becoming extinct, there is something much more important that remains as true today as it did 100 years ago:  there is a reliable and stable Career Sweet Spot that each human, including each young adult, can discover that will protect them from falling prey to the toxic combination of economically depressing student debt and dizzying amount of educational choices.

What is the Career Sweet Spot?  It is that powerful area which is the intersection of your deepest passions, inborn/natural aptitudes, predominating personality tendencies, environmental needs, and your economic goals.  See our movie about how we have discovered this career Sweet Spot with hundreds of people who are securely in meaningful and economically comfortable careers.

If young adults do not discover this place, then they will perish, since the hurricane winds of out-of-control education costs are crashing together with the dark clouds of unfulfilled young adults who face even greater depression than earlier generations.  A key reason for this is student debt has ballooned from an average of $29,000 in 2012, to $250,000 in recent years (US News and World Report, 2014).

Within the last year National Public Radio asked older people what their top regrets were, and the single highest regret was “I wish I had chosen another career”.

Don’t let your young adults have this as a regret at the end of their life.  And even if you are early career or midcareer or at the end of one career but want to start another, there is still hope that you can find your passion so your work feels more like play.  So Sunday night you actually look forward to Monday morning.  This can sound like “Pollyanna”, but the reality is once the sweet spot is discovered it can make people feel more joyful than almost anything else.

Finding meaningful work is a critical contributor to general happiness in life.  Study upon study proves this.

Just as important as choosing the right long-term romantic partner is choosing a meaningful career which you work at every day.  Let’s face it: you spend more time in your career than you do with those you are romantically involved with.  If you don’t feel like you love your work, then you need to find your Career Sweet Spot.  See our precise, scientifically driven process here.

More important than buying your young adult a car, a house, or giving them a vacation, would be paying for them to go through a process where they truly discover their Career Sweet Spot.  

Comprehensive career guidance or career assessment processes are rare with colleges because guidance counselors have 300-500 students on their caseloads.  And career tests are often far too superficial.  For people to reliably discover their Career Sweet Spot they need to undergo a comprehensive process so they are truly turned inside out, rather than given reams of jobs that might be good fits.

See more on:  Do what you love

For more information contact us!



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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.